So my official due date is Thursday. I can't believe it's already here. I really don't think Saydee will come until the first of the following week, but what do I know. Here are some pictures Adam took. He loves making me look as big as possible.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Two weeks to go
So, I had another dr. appointment yesterday. Things are still looking good, but not much changes since last week. He's hoping by the next appt. I'll have started to feel some contractions or have Saydee drop a little. He said if things haven't changed, then I'll be induced at 41 weeks, something he prefers to not have to do. We'll see how things go. Until she decides to come, we just keep preparing. We got her room pretty much done, just need to move around a couple more things and I think we're done. We're excited to have a new little addition to our family. We can't believe how fast it has gone by. I'll post pictures as soon as her room is actually done.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
34 Weeks
I am now 34 weeks and can't believe how fast it has gone. This past month as been busy. I found out I don't have gestational diabetes, which I was very excited about. I was not excited about the wonderful bruises I had left on my arms for over a week after. At my last doctor's appt, Saydee measured a week big, so we'll see how my plans for an October baby turn out. She'll come when she's ready. We just can't believe how close it is.
After we went to Ogden for my baby shower, we went back up to Salt Lake to see Adam's family. We went to the zoo and to the aquarium. I had never been to either one, so it was pretty interesting. I just wish my feet wouldn't have swollen up so much. We had some pretty long days walking around. Adam's mom wanted some family pictures, so we were lucky the weather cooperated the one night we could have them done. Sheri did a great job!
These are the only pictures we took while with Adam's family. He's not a fan of the camera.

Adam's sister, Heather, bought us some more outfits for Saydee, which are adorable. I am really excited to dress her in them. It was good to see Adam's family. Since both of our families live far away, we don't get to see them very often. It will be nice for our families to be here for Saydee's blessing.
Here are some pictures Adam took tonight. He tried to find the shot that made me look the biggest.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Life Update--It's been awhile
Busy Weekend
Okay, so I am still trying to get used to blogging. So sorry this has been a little while. It has been a very exciting couple months. In May we found out we are having a little girl. We are naming her Saydee Grace Byington. We can hardly wait for her to join us!
I have had a great pregnancy thus far. I am 30 weeks and not too many problems. I started out with heartburn, which I only get every once and a while now. I had a couple a couple weeks where my tailbone hurt and I had problems sitting, which made working a little difficult, but thankfully it wasn't too long. Since then I have entered into the swollen ankles stage. Some days they look like "kankles" as Adam would say. But it's worth it. I had a doctor's appointment last Monday and failed my glucose test, so tomorrow I have to do a three hour fasting glucose test. Hopefully all goes well, if not, I will be on an 1,800 calorie diet and have to meet with a dietician. I will get the results on August 2, at my next doctor's appointment.
This weekend was a lot of fun. On Thursday we drove to Ogden, and my brother and sweet sister-in-law wanted to throw my mom a surprise birthday party. So we helped set up and then we were in charge of distracting my mom. When we arrived at my brother's, my mom had not clue. She was completely surprised!! And she had a great time.
My sister-in-law, Kirstin, did a great job arranging everything. She is quite the party organizer!!
On Friday night, my Aunt Linda hosted a baby shower for me. It was great! We got some amazing gifts. My family is so great and it was nice to have them all there!
This is me and my sweet Aunt Linda. I am 30 weeks here and just keep getting bigger.
On Saturday morning, my grandma was in the Days of 47 parade in Ogden. She was the Queen of the DUP.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
First thing Thursday morning we had another doctor appt. This time we got to hear the heartbeat without any trouble. It was amazing!! It is so weird to think about a baby growing inside of me. Even though we've had an ultrasound and a now heard the heartbeat, it's just so different. Most of the time I don't feel pregnant. I am grateful to not have a lot of sickness and feel great most of the time, but I wonder when I will start to really feel pregnant. Maybe when I start to look pregnant and not just like I have gained weight. No matter what I am grateful to have such as amazing and supportive husband, so when I forget I am pregnant, and I try to keep doing Young Women's and work, and everything else, he reminds me why I am tired and I can't do everything. We get to find out on May 20th what we are having. I am really excited because my mom will be here and go to the ultrasound with us. We really don't have a preference to what we have, I am just excited to start being able to buy stuff. I have already ordered my jogging I ordered my diaper bag, it actually will strap to the stroller, which I am hoping I will like. I have the crib I want picked out, just waiting until we get the spare bed moved out and rearranged. Overall, I feel like we are doing really well and getting ready for this new and very exciting change.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Baby on the way
So we had our second doctor's appt yesterday. I was really excited because we were suppose to hear the heartbeat. I am seeing a PA right now until I decide what doctor I want to see in the office. She tried to find the heartbeat for about 10 minutes with no luck. She just kept assuring me that this didn't mean something was wrong. I was worried anyways. Another doctor came in and he couldn't find the heartbeat either, so they decided to do an ultrasound. That was amazing. It was a very quick one, but we could just see the baby turing and flipping around. It turns out that I am a week further than I thought. Originally my due date was 10-10-10, which we thought was pretty cool, but after the ultrasound, it was changed to 9-30-10. So I am 13 weeks right now and very excited. We really don't have a preference to a boy or a girl right now. I can see either being wonderful. I have my ultrasound scheduled May 18th to find out the sex of the baby. I am excited because my mom will be able to be here for the ultrasound. We are just excited to move onto this next stage in our lives. A little scared, but completely worth it.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
It's been a while
Okay, so it's been like 7 months since I have posted anything. So I thought it was about time. We love our house. We finally feel a little settled in and are really enjoying being homeowners. We love our new ward. The second week in our ward I got called as a primary teacher and Adam was called as the Assistant Ward Mission leader. I loved my class. They were really cute and just fun to be around. Well at the first part of December we got called into the Bishop's office. Since I never know what is going to happen. I had no concerns. Well, I should have. The Bishop is explaining how there needs to be a little reorganizing in the YW's program due to some work schedules. I am just sitting there and thinking, "Oh okay, maybe I'm a counselor or secretary." Oh no, I was called as the YW President. I was totally shocked. I was completely overwhelmed and couldn't say anything. Good thing Adam was there, he said yes for me. Since then, Adam says I have cried more than our entire marriage. Considering that hasn't been long, I didn't feel too bad about it, until tonight when he was explaining how stressed I've been about it. He said that if he even looked at me wrong I would start to cry. How sad. It's a good thing I've relaxed a little bit. I am still stressed about it, but things are getting better.
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